Tuesday, August 22, 2017

SSRS issue in SharePoint 2013 integrated mode .

I did recently come across an issue with SSRS in SharePoint 2013 integrated mode , the error was while opening up a SSRS report . Error stated as below

·        An error occurred during client rendering.
o   The requested service, 'http://serverName:32843/39c0f43bbd794f929239eb6ede09edb6/ReportStreaming.svc' could not be activated. See the server's diagnostic trace logs for more information.

The requested service, 'http://serverName:32843/39c0f43bbd794f929239eb6ede09edb6/ReportStreaming.svc' could not be activated. See the server's diagnostic trace logs for more information.

There was no much information on the above issue , only way to figured out the issue was by testing the SSRS webservice URL

open the management studio and enter below command

You will get the result with Name,ID and UEAccountName

You can frame the report service webapplication ID with this GUID as below

1)    http://serverName:32843/39c0f43bbd794f929239eb6ede09edb6/ReportingWebService.svc --> this URL is working fine 
12)http://serverName:32843/39c0f43bbd794f929239eb6ede09edb6/ReportStreaming. à this one throws a error as below 

Memory gates checking failed because the free memory (208904192 bytes) is less than 5% of total memory.  As a result, the service will not be available for incoming requests.  To resolve this, either reduce the load on the machine or adjust the value of minFreeMemoryPercentageToActivateService on the serviceHostingEnvironment config element.

Increasing the RAM of the server resolved the issue

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Secure store service issue in SharePoint 2013

Recently were trying some tests on migration of SharePoint 2010 contents to SharePoint 2016 , having SharePoint 2013 as intermediary server without which the migration will not be successful .

Had this weird issue of Secure store service application not being created in SharePoint 2013, the farm was built by someone a yr ago , so did not have the full data on the issue , but below were the errors in ULS

Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Your session has expired. Restart this wizard to continue.  
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPScenarioContext.GetContext(Page page, CultureInfo culture)   
 at Microsoft.Office.SharePoint.ClientExtensions.SecureStoreAdministration.CreateSSSApplicationStateInfo.OnLoad(EventArgs e) 

Application error when access /_admin/sssvc/createsssvcapplicationstateinfo.aspx, Error=Your session has expired. Restart this wizard to continue. 

The current state '_admin/sssvc/createsssvcapplication.aspx' doesn't match the Page '_admin/sssvc/createsssvcapplicationstateinfo.aspx'

I was unable to fix this issue not the root cause of it yet , but figured it out that this was an issue only through the UI , so I could still go ahead the create a new Secure store service application through power shell 

New-SPSecureStoreServiceApplication -ApplicationPool "app pool name which already exists" -AuditingEnabled:$false -DatabaseServer "devomasp02" -DatabaseName "Secure store SANew"-Name "Secure store SANew"

$secureStoreApplicationName  ="Secure Store Service Application"
Get-SPServiceApplication | ? {$_.GetType().Equals([Microsoft.Office.SecureStoreService.Server.SecureStoreServiceApplication])} | New-SPSecureStoreServiceApplicationProxy -Name $secureStoreApplicationProxyName -DefaultProxyGroup | Out-Null

I shall look into issue and keep posted if I fix it